Master index file


We are currently in a prototyping phase. This format is under development.

The idea is to have an index file containing and listing the locations to all further hdu index files. To allow for human-readable and human-editable files, we use a JSON format here

  • Required filename: master.json

The user copies this file from the server along with selected data. The Science tools that access this file just ignore chains/configs that are not present on the users’ machine. Ideally, the Science tools provide the possibility to inspect the local master index file and print the users’ options on the screen. Since all paths must be relative to the location of the master index file, the user doesn’t have to edit and maintain the master index file. The Science tools naturally will allow the analysis of a certain chain/config or not. Of course the user can always add own FITS productions etc simply by hand (or locally change names of configs for convenience). The JSON table should contain an array named datasets. Each dataset is specified by the following required keys:

Required keys

  • name type: string
    • Unique name describing the present FITS production, e.g.”hess-hap-hd-prod01-std_zeta_fullEnclosure”.
  • hduindx type: string
    • Location of corresponding hdu index file. This path must be relative to the location of the master index file
  • obsindx type: string
    • Location of corresponding observation index file. This path must be relative to the location of the master index file

Of course any optional and additional information can be added, e.g. the telescope name, analysis chain, cut configuration, etc. The Science tools should be able to show these information to the user to simplify the choice for a preferred FITS production.

Here is an example of the master index file:

    "datasets": [
            "name": "fits-prod1-stdcuts",
                "obsindx": "relative/path/to/prod1-std/obs-index.fits.gz",
            "hduindx": "relative/path/to/prod1-std/hdu-index.fits.gz",
                "comment": "First test version",
                "drawback": "Not all data available"
                "name": "fits-prod2-hardcuts",
                "obsindx": "relative/path/to/prod2-hard/obs-index.fits.gz",
            "hduindx": "relative/path/to/prod2-hard/hdu-index.fits.gz",
                "recommendation:": "use for science publications"

Note that the keywords “comment”, “drawback” and “recommendation” are arbitray and can be added from the user or maintainer of the master index file. The Science tools can display them for the user to get more details about each FITS dataset on the users’ machine.