
This page gives background information on times in gamma-ray astronomy.

It’s not a format specification, rather a summary of the status quo:

  • How times are stored in files.
  • How times are represented in science tool codes
  • How times are input by users and output to users from these codes.


Times are used in many places in high-level analysis, e.g.

  • Observations have start and end times and sometimes are split up into “good time intervals” GTIs when hardware issues occur or clouds pass the field of view.
  • Gamma-ray events are observed at given times, and those times are needed to convert the reconstructed AltAz position to RaDec, or to select events in a given GTI.
  • Some gamma-ray sources are variable, e.g. AGNs can flare on timescales of seconds or minutes, or pulsars emit a periodic signal on timescales of seconds or milli-seconds.

This page contains specifications and recommendations how to work with times for high-level gamma-ray astronomy, i.e. how to store times in files (e.g. event lists, GTI extension, observation tables) and take times as input and output in analysis tools.

Reference documents and tools

Basically we follow Time in Fermi data analysis, so this is the number one reference.

The SOFA Time Scale and Calendar Tools document provides a detailed description of times in the high-precision IAU SOFA library, which is the gold standard for times in astronomy. The SOFA time routines are available via the Astropy time Python package, which makes it easy to convert between different time scales (utc, tt and mjd in this example)

>>> from astropy.time import Time
>>> time = Time('2011-01-01 00:00:00', scale='utc', format='iso')
>>> time
<Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2011-01-01 00:00:00.000>
>>> time.tt
<Time object: scale='tt' format='iso' value=2011-01-01 00:01:06.184>
>>> time.mjd

as well as different time formats (iso, isot and fits in this example)

>>> time.iso
'2011-01-01 00:00:00.000'
>>> time.isot
>>> time.fits

If you don’t want to install SOFA or Astropy (or to double-check), you can use the xTime time conversion utility provided by HEASARC as a web tool.

Finally, the “Representation of Time Coordinates in FITS” standard (2015A%26A…574A..36R) explains in detail how times should be stored in FITS files.


Depending on the use case and required precision, times are stored as strings or as one or several integer or floating point numbers. Tools usually use one 64-bit or two 64-bit floating point numbers for time calculations.

For high-level gamma-ray astronomy, the situation can be summarised like this (see sub-section computation below for details):

  • Do use single 64-bit floats for times. The resulting precision will be about 0.1 micro-seconds or better, which is sufficient for any high-level analysis (including milli-second pulsars).
  • Do not use 32-bit floats for times. If you do, times will be incorrect at the 1 to 100 second level.

For data acquisition and low-level analysis (event triggering, traces, …), IACTs require nanosecond precision or better. There, the simple advice to use 64-bit floats representing seconds wrt. a single reference time doesn’t work! One either needs to have several reference times (e.g. per-observation) or two integer or float values. This is not covered by this spec.


The time precision obtained with a single 32-bit or 64-bit float can be computed with this function:

def time_precision(time_range, float_precision):
    """Compute time precision (seconds) in float computations.

    For a given `time_range` and `float_precision`, the `time_precision`
    is computed as the smallest time difference corresponding to the
    float precision.

    time_range -- (IN) Time range of application (years)
    float_precision -- (IN) {32, 64} Floating point precision
    time_precision -- (OUT) Time precision (seconds)
    import numpy as np
    YEAR_TO_SEC = 315576000

    dtype = {32: np.float32, 64: np.float64}[float_precision]
    t1 = dtype(YEAR_TO_SEC * time_range)
    t2 = np.nextafter(t1, np.finfo(dtype).max)
    print('Time range: {} years, float precision: {} bit => time precision: {:.3g} seconds.'
          ''.format(time_range, float_precision, t2-t1))
>>> time_precision(10, 32)
Time range: 10 years, float precision: 32 bit => time precision: 256 seconds.
>>> time_precision(10, 64)
Time range: 10 years, float precision: 64 bit => time precision: 4.77e-07 seconds.


Here’s a summary of how times are stored in files:

  • IACT event lists:
    • Table column TIME, float64, MET
    • Header keywords MJDREFI, MJDREFF – Reference time
    • Header keywords TSTART, TSTOP – MET
    • TIMESYS, TIMEREF – need it?
  • GTI extension:
    • Table columns: TSTART, TSTOP, MET
    • Header keywords: MJDREFI, MJDREFF – Reference time
  • Observation index table
    • Column TSTART, TSTOP, TMID – float, MJD, days
    • Column TSTART_STR, TSTOP_STR, TMID_STR – UTC string
    • No time-related header keywords.


Here’s a summary of how gamma-ray science tool codes handle times.

Fermi Science Tools

The Fermi Science tools (e.g. gtselect) support only Fermi-LAT MET for user input / output (and probably also just use MET internally). Some info on other time scales and formats is given on a docs page at Time in Fermi data analysis, converting to MET is left up to the user. Note that no leap second table is in the code, i.e. MET – UTC conversions are not supported (one can use Astropy for this though).

  • TODO: Is this correct? How does the software store times internally?

TODO: We should also document what time scales and formats are supported by the Fermi-LAT data selection tool:

This is the equivalent of our Observation index table format and observation selection tools and unless there’s a good reason not to we should just adopt whatever Fermi-LAT does here.

Gammalib / ctools

The ctools (e.g. ctselect) use MET for user input (the reference time is taken from the event list header). Internally a time is represented as a GTime object, which has a time scale (supports JD, MJD, TT, UTC, leap second table in the library code) and supports different formats (including parsing ISO and ISOT strings). Internally times are stored as 64-bit float METs wrt. a single reference time defined by Gammalib. See Times in Gammalib.

TODO: this means that TIME columns in event lists are converted to that reference time on file read or attribute access?

Astropy / Gammapy

As already mentioned above, the Astropy time package contains the Time class, which supports all common scales and formats. Internally times are stored as two 64-bit floats.

TODO: describe how MET values from event list TIME columns are converted to that internal format on read / write in gammapy.time. TODO: where do they store leap seconds / how are those updated?


TODO: write a set of tests doing equivalent time computations using Gammalib and Astropy time (or possibly Gammapy wrappers where useful).